We have a huge collection of readymade Food Ordering Mobile and Web Application projects and our “E.Z. FOOD” is recent and best project where the users find the restaurant according to their requirements. The main aim of the project is to provide the users an easy to use application that helps them to find the restaurant according to their tastes and convenience. The users can also give their opinions about the restaurants by giving a rating and writing a review. Google Maps API shows the restaurants present in the current city and also the route to the restaurant. The main advantage of this system is that it greatly simplifies the ordering process as well as having delivery functionality. Where users can track their order.
There will be three Modules:
* Customer
* Restaurant
* Admin ( Admin can manage all users, booking, transactions, delivery etc)
key features for this project:
Login functionality
Search Functionality for multiple restaurants.
Live order tracking
View menus, pictures, directions of particular restaurant
Implement GPS settings for tracking
Payment Gateway Integration for paying
Google Map Integration for Location
Push Notifications
Record and store Customer Names, Phone numbers, E-mails and Customer Credit card number
Admin panel/Admin control the back-end.
Social Media Integration via Facebook
Online food ordering, Takeaway Services, Home Delivery Management, Centralized linking of restaurants, Restaurant POS Systems, Table Reservation Management are a few examples of our glorious readymade apps.

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