Since the introduction of the World Wide Web in 1990, the web development domain has evolved dynamically from webpages to web applications. Now the websites do not contain static content instead are enriched with the dynamic features.

All these increase user engagements thus make them easier to make the effective use of the website for their day to day activities like groceries, banking, paying taxes, etc.

But while using a website we often forget that all these features are being created and introduced by human beings and thus there are good chances of errors and mistakes. But a simple mistake in a web development process can cause losses by reducing your profits and SERP ranking.

Here we will discuss the common mistakes made by developers while developing a web application.

Common Mistakes of Web Development

  • Using Non-Responsive Design: Nowadays it becomes essential to keep a website design up to date by creating a responsive web design. It helps in viewing the features, buttons, and content on the page along with many other features, thus help in offering a great experience for the user to scroll your website even on their smartphones. 

    • To create a responsive website it is good to consider the resolution before beginning the task. This will ensure the proper display of the website on all devices.

    • Apart from testing a website in emulators, it is good to test them on real-devices as well. This will give you an idea of how your website looks on the real-device. 

  • Depending on Website Builder Tools: Many available tools help in building a website with drag and drop features but they are not reliable. Businesses depending on such tools often face difficulty in managing the backend that makes the website slower and offers performance issues.

    • One who does not have enough time for coding can choose a template via Themeforest, Envato, etc that offer multiple responsive and cross-browser compatible templates. 

    • Also, as compared to the website builder tool, it is good to choose the platforms that offer content management services like WordPress or Joomla. They offer website hosting and also offer multiple themes that fulfill the different purposes of the website. 

  • Using Outdated HTML: It is difficult to get rid of old habits. The same goes true with the developers who started coding at the much earlier face. They might be using lots or spans and ‘&nbps’ that not only increases the line of code, but also causes layout issues in the updated browsers. 

    • It is good to stay updated with the latest technologies and adopting the latest elements that simplify your job and result in the generation of clean code that complies with the latest industry standards. 

    • Focus on HTML to describe the content and make more use of the latest features of CSS3 that helps in designing a content layout. 

  • Insufficient Input Validation: Web developers often ignore form validation. Since end-users are human and so the mistakes are common, but incomplete validation often result in a mistyped alphabet in the phone number or an incorrect email format that miss certain signs and symbols like ‘.’ or ‘@’. This may lead to the failed delivery of information to users.

    • Get to know about the latest framework that offers outstanding validation rules. This ensures that the user input is flawless and is according to the format.

    • Implementation of a validation rule is a part of a standard coding practice that results in a quality website that is preferred by users, improves ranking in search engines and a lot more. 

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues: Since with time there is no shortage of browsers on the internet that is compatible both with desktop and mobile. Also, some device-specific browsers are preferred by users and help access websites. 

    • Make use of analytic tools and target browsers on which your website runs properly. Carry out the proper testing and find if any usability or functional issues are occurring in a browser. 

    • The cloud hosting platform is the best choice as it provides you with the opportunity to test a website quickly and seamlessly. Check for CSS and HTML issues that cause breakage in a specific browser and fix the issue by replacing or adding specific codes.


There are other common mistakes like poor content, security issues, poor design, wrong SEO and a lot more. This all practices often lead to a poor ranking of the website on search engines. So if you are developing a website or looking for development services, make sure that such mistakes are ignored. 

OZVID Technologies, offer the best and up to date web development services that contribute a lot in business growth and website popularity.